(function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.captcha = { attach: function (context) { // Turn off autocompletion for the CAPTCHA response field. // We do it here with Javascript (instead of directly in the markup) // because this autocomplete attribute is not standard and // it would break (X)HTML compliance. $("#edit-captcha-response").attr("autocomplete", "off"); } }; Drupal.behaviors.captchaAdmin = { attach: function (context) { // Add onclick handler to checkbox for adding a CAPTCHA description // so that the textfields for the CAPTCHA description are hidden // when no description should be added. // @todo: div.form-item-captcha-description depends on theming, maybe // it's better to add our own wrapper with id (instead of a class). $("#edit-captcha-add-captcha-description").click(function() { if ($("#edit-captcha-add-captcha-description").is(":checked")) { // Show the CAPTCHA description textfield(s). $("div.form-item-captcha-description").show('slow'); } else { // Hide the CAPTCHA description textfield(s). $("div.form-item-captcha-description").hide('slow'); } }); // Hide the CAPTCHA description textfields if option is disabled on page load. if (!$("#edit-captcha-add-captcha-description").is(":checked")) { $("div.form-item-captcha-description").hide(); } } }; })(jQuery);