This section is by no means a comprehensive guide to digital security. Learning how to use technologies safely in your work also means :
To learn about these topics and more, head over to Tactical Tech and Front Line Defenders' Security-in-a-Box website:
Who's really in control of the data you put into online tools and the things you create with them?
You, right?
Probably not.
Your use of online tools like Google Docs, Prezi or Many Eyes is governed by a legal contract called a Terms of Service (ToS) (or 'Terms of Use'). If you don't agree to it, you can't use the service. You should read a ToS very carefully since it usually defines the following:
Data visualisation is a powerful way your to get your message across and this website profiles various online tools to help you do that. In seconds you can be signed up to Google Docs or Tableau Public and be creating visualisations. Great! But hang on a second ...
As with everything in the digital world, these online tools come with risks that you should be aware of before using them. Although the information you're using might not be sensitive, you should still be aware of privacy issues that affect everyone who uses online tools.