Kiwanja.net collates case studies on the use of mobile technology as a driver of innovation and social change.
The NOMAD project supports aid organizations to collect, analyse and manage data collected through mobiles phones. Choose the right technology for you with their Online Selection Assistant:
The Guardian Project creates apps and products for android phone to protect communications and personal data from intrusion and monitoring. One of their products, Obscuracam, is particularly useful as it automatically detect faces in a photo and pixelates them to make them unrecognizable.
Insight Share works on participatory video explaining how you and your community can tell your own story through film.
Engage Media is an online video sharing site for campaigners to upload videos related to social justice and environmental issues in the Asia-Pacific.
video4change brings together training tools and methodologies from a global network of advocates to support video activists and trainers.
Video Advocacy Planning Toolkit by Witness provides best practices and lessons learned to evaluate whether video is right for your campaign